Category Archives: Reptiles

Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata)

The last in the three members of Boidae, Rosy Boas are similar in shape and size to other Californian Boas.

Description: Very similar to Rubber Boas in both shape and description.

Distribution: Same region as the Southern Rubber Boa. This snake lives up till Sonora, Mexico.

Diet: Small animals

Genus: Lichanura

Family: Boidae

Gopher Snake (Pituophis cantenifir)

This predatory snake is found mostly in Western North America, and has a diet that consists of Gophers and other small creatures. Its prey is particularly lizards like the Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis). You may see this snake in grassy areas like I have once. 2 days ago we were hiking in Mclellan Ranch Park when we saw it. It was lying in the grass, its head was precariously positioned under a twig while my sister leaned a bit closer to see if it had a rattler. My grandfather then quickly told us to run, because we did not know it was a Gopher Snake, and the last thing I saw of it was a brown strip in the grass.

Below: A Gopher Snake ambushes quietly in the grass. Gopher Snake