Category Archives: Genus Egretta

Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)

The Snowy Egret is a common bird, as I have seen it many times skittering across little docks and moors in shoreline. It is a small little bird, and it almost looks like a tiny little thing stalking in the marshes while the much bigger Great Egrets are foraging.

Snowy Egrets are found throughout many kinds of marshes throughout North America, yet as I was reading up on them, I saw that one of their main predators were crows! I never knew crows could attack such birds. Yet then again I was saying how small they were, so it is not surprising that crows eat them.


Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea)

This bird is very rare to the west coast, in fact, so rare that I have only seen this bird in a small swamp. (It could have been a Tricolored Heron.) I did not get a photo of it. The Little Blue Heron I saw had a downy blue head with pinkish-red neck and body feathers.

The Little Blue Heron will hybridize with Snowy Egret and Cattle Egrets.