List of birds I have seen in Shoreline

C = captive

R = Rare

* equals common

White-cheeked Pintail (C) 

Common Eider (R) 

Barrow’s Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye

Bufflehead *

Redhead (R)

Common Pochard (R) 

Canvasback (R) 

Pied-billed Grebe

American White Pelican *

Brown Pelican (R) 

Double-crested Cormorant (R) 

Great Blue Heron *

Snowy Egret (R)

Great Egret (R)

Common Black-Hawk (R) 

American Coot *

Black-necked Stilt *

American Avocet (R) 

Dunlin (R) 

Purple Sandpiper (R)

Red Knot *

Black-tailed Gull (R) 

Ring-billed Gull *

Pomarine Jaegar (R) 


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