The Last Puffin in Iceland (Sadly)

I met Sunil Uncle in Chicago and asked him if he had seen a Frigatebird near the Great Lakes. He said “If I see it, I will eat it.” Then he told me how he had eaten the Last Puffin in Iceland. He said “Even if it was the last puffin, I still would eat it. (He told me Puffins taste like Chicken). Too bad that he happened to eat the last Puffin in Iceland. Had he not, I would have been able to take photos of the Puffins with their vibrant beaks stuffing fish into their mouths voraciously. (Good part is, that Puffins still exist throughout the Northern Hemisphere.) Clearly, I think all the Birds of the World should be frightened.

A Reply I posted on October 14 (approximate), 2013:

Now I have not been blogging on the computer lately because I got a violent concussion (and I still have violent headaches). I read about the Puffins on an awesome website from Iceland. I feel jealous that the children of Iceland save the baby Puffins (and then also, remember they eat the parents. I wonder if they eat the eggs to?) Finally now I get to at least blog about something. Also, I really want to be a researcher and go to Surtsey island, or the second-youngest island, which formed in 1963. Now I know that there are about 8 to 10 million Puffins in Iceland. Phew!

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