House sparrow (Passer domesticus)

The House sparrow is probably, along with the American crow and mallard, one of the most familiar birds in North America. It is a non native resident, the first birds being introduced to New York in 1851. Since then, it has spread throughout the continent. House sparrows are very common, yet they have been declining in North America. The House sparrow is also declining in its native range, Europe and Asia, due to toxins. This species is also shot in places where it is not native, because it is an aggressive bird which displaces native birds, like the American robin, by stealing their food and invading nesting holes.

A very interesting fact about the house sparrow is that this species set the world record for making the most dominos fall. In 2005, a few days before Domino day (a day where people would try to set the world record for making the most dominos fall), a house sparrow crashed into the building where Domino day was held, and flew into a pile of four million dominos, causing twenty-three thousand of the dominos to fall. It had set a world record! However, people caught the sparrow and shot it, which was very sad.

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