James Centhil and the story of the Centhil-Bot – Part 1

One day, James Centhil was walking around his factory, looking bored. “I’ve tried”, “And tried” “Yet all my machines and robots turn into evil machines which destroy the planet.” Suddenly, he came up with a plan. “I will build a CenthilBot!” “It will not destroy anything.”

After 2 seconds, the blueprint for the robot was finished and it was ready to be built. First, James Centhil pressurized the air around the area of the CenthilBot. After that, he made pressurized carbon around the area and made a diamond base. Next, he covered it with boron. After that, he added the deadly compartments.

Once the base was finished, James Centhil made compartments for all the syringes and things that a medical robot would need. Then, he started filling them.

He made a mixture he thought was very good. It was his favorite, one made from orange juice. Actually, not oranges, but synthetic oranges. He made synthetic Fanta.

However, during the making of the Synthetic Fanta, the evil James Wallace Cottage-Hampshire Snickerdoodle sabotaged it. He changed the mixture to C6760N10447O2010S32, also known as botulinum toxin!

After that, James Centhil gave the CenthilBot some of the drink.

To be Continued

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