Monthly Archives: January 2015

Frank the Mountie

I am a potato. No seriously, I am Frank Billy Joe. I have been working in the mountie service for twelve years in the Alberta Mountain forests. This is my usual day. SSSSS!!!!!!!! Oh! That’s my alarm! (My best friend, Jeremy Frank Bob, a Massasauga Diamondback Rattlesnake   has become my alarm. ) So I mounted my Veery (songbird), and flew over the forests of Alberta. I then landed near a small clear, which was very close to where the supreme gem of EH was located. So I checked. It was there. Then I saw a long arm detach from a giant falcon-shaped robot. It took the gem and put it in an internal compartment. This happened in 6 picoseconds. Then I knew there was trouble. I told Jeremy these instructions in potato: “œ∑∂å∂ ƒ†¥ø! Óåß∂  ∫µ√ç ¥∆∫ ∆µ∂ß œ∑å!” (That means, Stop him! Don’t let him get away with the gem!). Jeremy faithfully followed my command. I knew that this was the work of my immortal enemy, the dark falcon. Potato: ´ÂŒ∑ †Ïı√Ω. English: “Flying Arsenic.” Judging from that translation, one can tell he was terrible. Jeremy went slithering to our cabin. It was only 3 meters away. Jeremy went to the laser-guarded security system and found the Veery-bot. “This will do. Meanwhile, Frank was also there to get the snake-bot, which he could use to attack the falcon-bot when it comes within striking range. So Jeremy flew up in the Veery bot and used the grappling hooks to perch on the railing of the ship: A giant black Lego Block. (Well, his craft looks like a Lego Block.) So he managed to clamber into the bottom without being seen. Then, I flew into one of the many suction tubes leading into his control system. Here, everything is fit for beak control. So the dark  falcon was busy into the control. It was time to go into fast mode. Here I quickly set the controls of his ship to self distruct. It was counting in falcon. Kleep, Keeee, Keee, Keeee, Keeee Keeee, Kellep, Keelp. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ship was destroyed. All the falcon-bots were destroyed. Those who escaped Jeremy were attacked by Frank down below. However, the dark falcon escaped. No one, as of yet, is able to catch him. Finally, we can rest. Ahh, Maple Syrup, Pancakes, and Hot Chocolate is a refreshing meal. After this we work the night shift. Now we will have to defeat the Dark Owl. (I will talk about him later.) For now, it was a good day. (We did retrieve the supreme gem of EH.