American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana)

The American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) is a weird waterbird, namely because of its curved bill, something seen mostly in Curlews, another type of Sandpiper. They feed by whipping their long curved bills through the water (Weird, right?) 

American Avocets are easy to find, and you do not have to get down on the mudflats to see them (if you like on your stomach, you probably would get their legs!) They breed with Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus), so do not think that I’ve got it all weird when I start talking about the Avostilt like mad (See Black-necked Stilt for this one.)

My friend, Ari, who is a amateur Ornithologist, has been dying to see the American Avocet. I can not wait till I tell him I have seen one close up.


– American Avocet (Only American Group)

American Avocet feeding.

American Avocet feeding.





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