My, my, this bird is really amazing! The Great Blue Heron was foraging at the time, a sight that one of the teachers in my school, Mr. Morgan, really wants to see. When you see a Great Blue Heron foraging like that, you must be still. Observe carefully (Trust me, this is what every birder on the planet says, so you must obey it while watching birds!)
Great Blue Herons are normally quite stationary when foraging, probably because they can see more of the world, and prey can quickly be spotted. Any other pose and luck would run out fast (Unless you stuck your head underwater!)
However, luck came to this famished Great Blue Heron, and SPLASH! The Great Blue Heron was rewarded with a small transleucent fish. He opened his beak and.. … That was when we got a photo of him, just as he was swallowing his catch. You can see more in the Gallery.
Thus concluding the Great Blue Heron article, we shall move on to the Gallery. However, check out my friend’s blog, which is
– Great White Heron (A subspecies)
- Great Blue Herons stand tall and stationary when feeding.
- Great Blue Heron swallowing catch whole.