Monthly Archives: August 2013

Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata)

The last in the three members of Boidae, Rosy Boas are similar in shape and size to other Californian Boas.

Description: Very similar to Rubber Boas in both shape and description.

Distribution: Same region as the Southern Rubber Boa. This snake lives up till Sonora, Mexico.

Diet: Small animals

Genus: Lichanura

Family: Boidae

Southern Rubber Boa (Charina umbratica)

Southern Rubber Boas are small, and are native to the harsh desert regions of the American Southwest, mostly Southern California. Seen in wetter regions as well.

Description: Mostly brown with some black.

Distribution: Mostly Southern California, lives in some other regions of the Southwest as well.

Diet: Small animals, similar to the Northern Rubber Boa’s.

Genus: Charina

Family: Boidae

Northern Rubber Boa (Charina bottae)

This small snake is native mostly to the counties in Central California, also having populations in Northern Nevada.

Description: Largely different colors; the juveniles are brightly colored, sometimes red, pink, orange, and sometimes black.

Distribution: Occasional to Northern Nevada, mostly lives in North and Central California.

Diet: Small mammals, lizards, possibly frogs and Salamanders.

Genus: Charina

Family: Boidae

Garter Snake

This small snake is native to all across America. It likes a diet of frogs, and other small creatures.


This snake is usually black with a streak of yellow. Largely different across the U.S.


Native to most small forests and wetlands in America

Diet: Frogs, small mammals, lizards, and other easy to catch prey.

Genus: Thamnophis

Family: Colubridae